June 3, 2014

Summer Opportunities at Pacific Learning Academy

School is out in a few weeks – great news for area students, and a possible headache for families trying to keep their kids both busy and enriched. [Tweet this!] While you begin to plan what June, July and August look like for you and your family, keep in mind… Read more

May 25, 2013

The Math that Began Our Music

Mathematics is such a fundamental subject that it tends to play a part in just about every discipline, scientific and otherwise. As a certified math and music teacher, I had a diverse course load throughout my college days. The fun part about having two foci in college is that the… Read more

April 22, 2012

Who needs a Teacher when we can have a Learner?

I heard something interesting today. The basic idea is that the most important thing kids need to be taught is how to teach themselves what they need/want to know. It’s not as important that I’m a “Teacher” but that I’m a “Learner,” modeling and guiding my students to be Learners,… Read more

March 30, 2012

The 3D Pythagorean Theorem

[Kirsten’s note: Micah teaches Math, Physics, and test prep at Pacific Learning Academy. Below he’s reminding all of us students (old and young alike) that there’s more to Pythagoras’ theorem than we might remember!] Most people are familiar with the traditional 2D Pythagorean theorem, which states that for any right… Read more

July 10, 2009

Issaquah School district postpones Math adoption

The Issaquah School District (ISD) announced that they would be postponing any adoption of new Math curriculum. Superintendent Steve Rasmussen made the announcement at the June 24th School Board meeting. The ISD has been using College Preparatory Mathematics and will continue to do so for the 2009-2010 school year. The… Read more

Pacific Learning Academy