
Review: The Pomodoro Technique

Time Management for All of Us
How many times do you hear someone joke about being AD/HD? In the middle of a conversation we notice them losing focus, failing to follow instructions, or taking forever to organize their day. As adults, we might laugh and say, “Look, something shiny!” When it comes to our kids, however, the jokes may cover the worry that comes along with losing track of time, homework avoidance, losing assignments, being forgetful and making careless mistakes. AD/HD can cause anxiety, depression, and mood swings – and not only for the AD/HD sufferer, but for the whole family!

The Pomodoro Technique (www.PomodoroTechnique.com) is something I stumbled upon recently and I’ve been using it for the past two weeks with some success. Although never officially diagnosed, I do sometimes feel like the poster child for ADD, and am always looking for ways to stay focused and on top of things. The Pomodoro Technique (PT) is a simple way of “chunking down” tasks into 25-minute bursts of productivity. By using a simple kitchen timer (or this) to keep on track, users do everything they can to not only stay attentive and focused but also to raise awareness of how often they are pulled away from their task (both internally and externally).

Ultimately, PT is a task list where you keep track of the things you have to do, and how long it takes you to complete the tasks. The Pomodoro Teqhnique book is available, as are simple Activity Sheets. You choose a task, set the timer for 25 minutes, work on the task until your timer goes off and then take a short (5-minute) break. The ultimate goal is to cut down on interruptions, learn how to estimate how long it will take you to complete a task, make plans and timetables, and ultimately become more productive.

Although not everyone who exhibits the classic signs of AD/HD can be (or will be) diagnosed, I do think that we are all looking for ways to be more productive, pull ourselves or our children out of the procrastination time warp, be more organized, and – ultimately, happier and more successful. Techniques that help AD/HD children and adults all over the world should be thought of as great suggestions for those who are just looking for another leg up in their careers or schooling. The Learning Curve can help – visit us at www.TLCeducation.org for more information, or check us out on Facebook (www.Facebook.com/TLCeducation).

April 24, 2011
Pacific Learning Academy