Tutors & Instructors


We 100% guarantee you will love your tutor. We meet with each family before making the tutor match to ensure a perfect fit every time! We are proud to have earned 100% satisfaction from our past and current families, and to enjoy a great reputation with area schools. Pacific Learning Academy Tutors and Teachers are of the highest quality:

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree and multi-subject expertise
  • Proven track record in teaching and instruction
  • Enthusiastic and positive as a role model
  • Exceptional communicators
  • Backgrounds checked


Lead Instructors at Pacific Learning Academy

Pacific Learning Academy employs degreed professionals in all subject areas. All instructors go through the Academy’s training program, which may include elements such as Executive Functioning Coaching, SAT/ACT prep, Test-taking strategies, Memorization, Time Management, High School Credit Course Instruction and more!


Susan D. – English, Test Prep

Susan graduated from Colorado State University with a BA in English with high distinction and later earned a MEd from The College of William and Mary. She has taught in a variety of settings including public schools, homeschool co-ops, and one-on-one tutoring. Homeschooling her two daughters honed her skills in individualizing instruction for a particular student. When not teaching, she can usually be found hiking the mountains and hills in the Seattle area or curled up with a good book.

Oliver W. – History, English

Oliver grew up in Enumclaw and graduated from the University of Washington in 2016 with a BA in U.S. History (Law & Policy minor). He has a passion for music (from classical to progressive rock) and enjoys studying music theory and playing guitar. When the snow starts falling, he spends his time snowboarding in the mountains and reading science fiction by the fire.

Caitlin B. – Spanish

Caitlin tutors and teaches Spanish, history/social studies, English/lit, and math up to algebra. She enjoys sparking her students’ interest by incorporating a variety of materials, current events, and pop culture. Caitlin received her BA from Lawrence University in Wisconsin and her Master’s from Bowling Green State University in Ohio. She loves writing and has published a nonfiction public policy book.

Alex C. – Math/Science Lead

Alex is a graduate of the University of Washington with a BS in both Physics and Chemistry. While at UW, Alex was a TA for first-year physics courses and also worked with the Physics Education Group pinpointing gaps in student learning to better improve the curriculum of freshman-level physics courses. He loves to learn and even as a high school student, Alex took the opportunity to take many AP classes, passing 14 AP tests before graduating. In his free time, Alex prefers to spend time playing computer games with his friends online and occasionally going out to compete in trading card game tournaments.

Kim H. – Math

Kim earned a BA from San Francisco State University and a Masters in Educational Technology from Boise State University. She has 28 years of teaching experience in various roles including Math Department Chair, Site Council Chair and PFSA liaison at Skyline High School. In 2002, she was the recipient of the Washington State Outstanding Educator Award. She loves to travel and has recently been to Ireland, Scotland, Brazil, Central Europe, Canada and Mexico. Kim has 2 children. Her daughter recently graduated from Elon and her son who will attend Rensselaer Polytechnic this Fall.




Pacific Learning Academy