Anytime School on Your Schedule

As summer school emails from local school districts begin, Academy families have the luxury of “anytime school” – from summer school options to school-year opportunities with rolling admission.

Summer offerings at Pacific Learning Academy allow students to excel at academics AND have plenty of time for family fun time. School-year courses can be scheduled around sports seasons, after-school jobs, or other activities.

Customizing your child’s education at Pacific Learning Academy means a customized curriculum, personalized schedule, and 100% guarantee you like your tutor.

All courses are taught by designated Academy instructors chosen especially for your student and their needs. We are NOT an online school.

If you are considering “Anytime School” for your student, here are 10 advantages of taking a class through Pacific Learning Academy:

Customized or Mirrored Curriculum

Many students take a single course through the Academy and plan to return to their district for the next level up, while others may choose to earn credits in all core courses. Either way, your child’s Academy instructor will personalize and individualize your credit course or tutoring program. Students may test out of concepts they already know and then adjust their pacing to go in-depth with concepts that are brand new. We are able to mirror the instructional materials of your student’s home district, or put together a highly-customized learning plan with your student’s future goals in mind.

Duration of Credit Course

District credits take 45 hours (during the summer) or 90 hours (during the school year) to earn just a semester credit. In that same time frame, Academy students may tackle twice the content and earn twice the credit. How is that possible? We work with students 1-on-1 and customize every class and every lesson to fit our student’s past experience and future goals. Students have our our full attention, and we have theirs!

Schedules and Location

The Academy meets your student when and where it makes sense for your family. From your kitchen table to our school office in Sammamish, real-time online or the local library, we’re ready to literally “meet our students where they’re at.” Not a morning person? Schedule your lessons later in the day. Have a trip with the family planned? We can work around your vacations! Play intense sports this season? We can pause or rearrange your schedule so your student can have it all. Your student will never miss out on learning or fear falling behind because of a missed day.Student taking notes with teaching speaking from a Zoom-like program.

GPA Protection

Does your student have trouble with testing or turning in homework? Academy assessments are designed to help your student know exactly where they stand, and every quiz or test grade may be improved by showing increased mastery of the concept. Grades are based on proven understanding, not on “behavior,” such as late homework, which is often a GPA-killer for those with ADHD or poor executive functioning. Your student’s final GPA can be their (and your) choice, based on their willingness to keep learning to the level of mastery you decide on as a family.

Credit Recovery and Grade Improvement

Colleges love to see students retake a class for improved understanding. Whether your student needs the credit for graduation (credit recovery), wants to boost their original grade (improvement), or would like to take an additional class outside of their busy schedule that is above and beyond requirements, the Academy can help! Because Pacific Learning Academy is performance-based, your student can move through the curriculum at their own pace, which is typically 45-50 hours for an entire year’s credit, or as few as 30 hours if a student has seen the material before. Your school district will acknowledge your credit, and colleges also acknowledge the grade you earn through our accredited programs. Students who choose to graduate from the Academy, like these superstars, may also consolidate and transfer their credits earned elsewhere for an Academy diploma. Graduating seniors may also take advantage of summer tutoring to prepare for success the following fall.

Jump a Year

Did your student get “off track” early in middle school? Being placed in a lower-level course has repercussions beyond high school, and the Academy is ready to help you accelerate into the right level for your student’s goals. Students wanting to jump ahead can take a course over the summer to improve their transcript and prepare for the next level, either with the Academy or back in their school of record. Taking Geometry over the summer allows a student to join Algebra 2 in the fall, for example. During the school year, many students are able to complete two years. A senior with two years of world language to make up, for example, can take Japanese 1 in the fall and Japanese 2 in the spring (a lot like college!).

Ending Strong: Upper-Level and Honors Courses

Is your student worried about taking a higher-level course? Maybe last year felt a bit shaky or academic fall out from the Covid-19 pandemic left your student behind? The Academy’s 1-to-1 format is perfect for students eager to close the gap and spring forward. We can review material from the previous year, filling in gaps, at the same time that the student earns credits in advanced courses such as Spanish 3, Calculus, English 12, or electives. It might be the last time your student takes a course at this level and we want to make sure it’s the experience of a lifetime! Is your student highly capable or twice exceptional (2e)? The Academy works with students who are both gifted and struggling? The Academy can give them the experience of deep learning and also help them navigate through (and leverage!) their exceptionalities.

Sky’s the Limit!

District summer school is limited to basic graduation requirements (Algebra, English 9, Spanish 1, Biology, etc..) and district-chosen courses. Summer School at the Academy can be ANY course you’d like to take: Spanish 3, Art History, Pre-Calculus, Creative Writing. All of these are possible at the Academy. During the school year, the Academy offers all core classes and customized electives based on instructor expertise and student interest. Pacific Learning Academy is WA State/OSPI approved and nationally accredited, so your credits count toward graduation!

100% Guarantee Your Student Likes Their Tutor

The magic of 1-on-1 education isn’t really magic at all. It happens when the Academy chooses the right instructor for your student, knowing that this caring and knowledgeable adult will develop rapport with your student and encourage them to the very end of the class. Our dedicated Academic Coordinators provide another layer of support, closely monitoring your student’s progress and available to talk with parents at any point in their child’s program. We know that a customized credit class is an investment for families, and that’s why we also 100% guarantee you like your instructor. If it’s not the right fit, your first lesson is on us and we will work to find another instructor who better matches your child’s needs. 

Low Stress and High Achievement

Speaking of instructor-student rapport, that relationship leads to a positive and supportive environment where students feel safe to collaborate with their instructors. Whereas a classroom can stifle participation for some students, 1-to-1 lessons require it! Students can make mistakes, take risks, and celebrate education victories with a professional instructor whose aim is to mentor their student to mastery and self-advocacy.

Customized Private School: Anywhere, Anytime

Anywhere, Anytime School can be found at your kitchen table in Issaquah or Sammamish, via Zoom, or at our school office in Sammamish. Personalized learning and accredited, customized curriculum are the ingredients to success and one of the single-best ways to spend 45 hours of a student’s time. From math tutoring in Issaquah, Chemistry credit classes via Zoom, or Spanish instruction at our Sammamish school office, our aim is to help students find joy in learning again and prepare them to shine at the next level. Academic options in a 1-to-1 format are almost limitless. Find us on the Let’s Talk page, or call our Academy office anytime, to learn more about tutoring or our accredited middle and high school year-round (and summer) programs!

Want to hear more about Accredited Middle & High School classes or academic support (Tutoring)?


Pacific Learning Academy is a one-on-one school offering single courses and dual enrollment, as well as full-time middle and high school. Pacific Learning Academy is Washington State Approved via the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI — see listings HERE) and a nationally Accredited private school via Cognia/AdvancED/Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC). High School coursework is approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). We also offer tutoring in all subjects from 6th to 12th grade, either in-home or local libraries across the Eastside (Issaquah, Sammamish, etc…).

May 5, 2024
Pacific Learning Academy