March 5, 2021

Make Spaced Learning Work for You

Spaced learning is your antidote! Throughout high school and for part of college, I was a “cramming enthusiast.” Does that describe you or a student in your life? I crammed because cramming seemed to work (and I wasn’t the best at planning ahead). But there are three main problems with… Read more

What does it take to REALLY learn?
February 5, 2021

Learning With Your Senses

What does it take to REALLY learn? Have you ever been asked what your learning style is? Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Plenty of pop quizzes on the internet will let you know where your preferences may be, and we’ve been using a 7-style inventory quiz (based… Read more

January 27, 2020

Credit Classes: A Game Changer

When a student struggles, or even fails a school subject, the stress is felt for everyone in the family. [Students wishing to take a class at the Academy should consult their school’s counseling office for information on drop deadlines and permission to take an outside credit] Missing homework, a sports… Read more

A Teen’s Guide to Getting Things Done
July 17, 2017

A Teen’s Guide to Getting Things Done

How often do you finish your day thinking “I finished all my work and now I just don’t have a thing to do!”? These days, it’s rare for even the most organized among us to fully complete that to-do list, so imagine how difficult it is for those with attention… Read more

February 27, 2017

Millenials in the Workplace

Millenials in the workplace. Low self-esteem? Simon Sinek discusses 4 factors that contribute to “the Millenial problem” and asks us to focus on the patience needed to be happy and fulfilled. An adulting truth: no one has it figured out. The Millenial generation has it even harder! Typically, as we… Read more

November 17, 2016

Study Strategies For All Ages

Active Study Strategies – More than Just Reviewing Passive study is the #1 way most students study and also the #1 way to waste your time. “Mom, I STUDIED! I read the chapter and looked at my notes. I don’t know why I didn’t get an A.” Passive study is… Read more

July 8, 2016

The Power of Reading

Creating Readers One of the greatest skills a child can develop early, which will carry over throughout their educational careers, is the skill of being a strong reader. Since education truly does begin in the home, there are a number of steps parents can take to start their child on… Read more

February 20, 2016

TED talks that will get you and your child talking

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). Watching TED talks with your family can be a great way to discuss and connect.  There seems to be a TED talk for nearly every subject, but where to begin? … Read more

September 2, 2014

Vocabulary Memorization Technique: the LINC

If you didn’t already know this, our brains learn faster and retain longer when we can connect new learning to things we already know. Endless lists of vocabulary words in English or Foreign Language class can feel overwhelming to students, but we DO have a solution! FASTEST Method (to prepare):… Read more

Pacific Learning Academy